domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

3.1 Speaking and writing

·         3.1.1 Meet a classmate online and go over case study 1 on page 13 of your Market Leader book. Then develop tasks 1, 2 and 3. 
Page 13 Exercise.

You and a colleague work for the tread light film company. Television production companies you are both at a job fair a Singapore. You want to find an assistant for your sales manager in Singapore. On a website you read information about three young people at the fair looking for a job in sales. read about then do the task below.

Work in pairs
 1 Talk about the people in the profiles:
Jenny Wong is from Taiwan
She isn’t a uniersity graduate
Jenny Wong has work experience as a sales assistant in bookshop
Jenny Wong talk fluent chinese
Cindy Tan has no work experience
Cindy Tan  has 21 years old
She born to Hong Kong
Cindy Tan is university graduate in geography
Davind Chong is interested in  computer games
David Chong has work experience as website designer
2. Imagine you have time to talk to only one of the candidates.  Decide which person you want to meet.
A: I’d like to talk to David Chong because he is a univertisty graduate and he talk two languajes and he’s from Singapore
B: I agree.  I think  important that he talk two languages and he is university graduate, he can obtain work experience with us.
3. You meet at the job fair and talk about the sales position.
To see the exercise go to this link:

Director: Hello, my name is Yovany. Nice to mee you, too.
Cindy: Hello, my name is Cindy nice to mee you, too
Director: Where are you from Cindy?
Cindy: I'm From Hong Kong
Cindy: Is from Hong Kong She has 21 years old. She is university graduate as geogiophy is interested in conversation she speaks chinese and an dertand lenguage of Inglish.
Director: Cindy what is your best quality?
Cindy: My best quality is be honest and Responsible.
Director: what is you favorite film or television program?
Cindy: My favorite film is Filomena is very interesting film
David Chony: Has 24 years old is from Singapore, is interested in computer games and karate, he is graduate in computing. David Chony has work experience in website desgner.
Jenny: Is from Taiwan she isn't a university graduarte but has work experience in sales assistant in bookshop, she speaks chinese and basic knowlege of english  her opperance is elegant and friendly
Cindy Tan: Hello, mi name is Cindy Tank. Nice to mee you, too.
Director: Where are you from Cindy Tan?
Cindy Tan: I'm From Hong Kong
Director: Why you want this work?
Cindy Tan: I like this work because I want to learn this company and give the best for to grow as ferian an professional
·         3.1.2 Develop exercise C on page 17 of your Market Leader book.
i'm Yovany Ramirez and I'm married. My wife's name is Gehovell. She works for a public entity. and I works in my own enterprise. We live In Bogota, we both like travelling. At the weekend we view asian and spiritual movies.
·         3.1.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 21 and read case study 2. Meet a classmate and record the interview between a member of the Human Resource Department and an employee (tasks 1 and 2). Use or to record the interview, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of both team members.
To see the exercise go to this link:

Receptionist: Do you have a minute?
Human resources manager: yes of course
Human resources manager: welcome to my office, take seat please.
Receptionist: thanks!! I want to talk to you my job
Human resources manager: Paola first talk your job?
Receptionist: I am receptionist OF HODSON DESING
Human resources manager: Well, What are your tasks?
Receptionist: I receive visitors, answer phone calls, and book meeting rooms
Human resources manager: okay, do you have break in hour of work?
Receptionist: Yes, I have break usually I take 15 minutes break in the morning, but sometimes I do not take Break when there is much work.
Human resources manager: ohh that's terrible not take Break. Which is exactly your working hours?
Receptionist: My working hours are Monday to Friday but always I have to work on Saturday.
Human resources manager: okay, now tell please do you have hour of lunch?
Receptionist: yes I have hour of lunch. But I never go out for lunch because the restaurants in the area are very expensive.
Human resources manager: Do you have boys and girls?
Receptionist: Yes, I have two children and take child-minder; the child-minder is very expensive.
Human resources manager: are you happy in this company?
Receptionist: Not. I am not happy in this company, because I always very busy, so the work is tiring and stressful.
Human resources manager: thanks for telling me all this.
 Discuss this situation with my bosses.
Receptionist: okay thanks bye
Human resources manager: bye

·         3.1.4 After recording your interview, send the link to another group.
Recording was sent to my parnets, Omar Arias and Jorge Seijas
3.1.5 Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with the way of writing a good paragraph. Now try to write one about anything you like!

I enjoy good food. I love the diversity of flavors that I can perceived in a single bite. Among my favorite meals is found the Lasagnewho is prepared using the best fresh products and cheeses, I think a great lasagne basically depends on their sauces. Also I produce a lot of satisfaction eating a good piece of meat; preferably roasted and accompanied by good conversation with my family and friends.
·         3.1.6 Based on the recording you have received, develop the writing activity on page 21: Write a formal email (not exceeding one page long) to Human Resources and report what the employee (of the recording you have received) has expressed during the interview. Take into account:

  • What he/she likes about his/her job?
  • What he/she does not like about his/her job?
  • What he/she wants to change in the company?
From :
To : To:
Subject: Report interview Job to assistant

Dear Mr. Schmidt 
HR manager

We want to tell in the interview to Paola receptionist OF HODSON DESING. She is very boring with his job, and we as department human resources could improve this situation.
 more important data  Paola interviews were:

She is very boring with her job because Paola not have time for break, she always very busy, so the work is tiring and stressful. Also she cannot have lunch because she never goes out for lunch because the restaurants in the area are very expensive. She works Monday to Friday but always she has to work on Saturday.

Really we want find solution for Paola receptionist our company
We hope you can develop an action plan.

best greetings

Human resources manager
Office- 927-32140022

·         3.1.7 Include this writing activity in your Word file to be delivered. Please do not paste texts as images (type them).
Recommendation: all the instructions to write a formal email are on page 126 of your Market Leader book.

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