sábado, 7 de junio de 2014


1.1 Vocabulary
·         1.1.1 Develop the activities proposed in Tell me More for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/
·         1.1.2 Open your Market Leader book on page 97 and develop exercises A to C on internal communication.
A.   How do companies communicate with employees? What methods can you think of?
Companies communicate with its employees by emails, memos, meetings, maybe a posting board at the entrance of the building or just one to one depending on the case.
B.   Complete the text below using the words from the box.
Company Intranet       electronic       face to face       print       workplace

These days, companies are spending more time and money on improving internal communication. This is the communication which takes place inside an organization. Communication will be downwards (from managers to junior staff), upwards (from staff to managers) and across (between staff), as well as between individuals and groups of people. There are various channels which can be used. These can be divided into five main areas:
1 ……PRINT……: paper-based communication, e.g. magazines, newspapers, newsletters, letters, notes and messages
2   …FACE TO FACE….: direct contact with other people, e.g. one-to-one meetings, team meetings, forums, conferences, briefings
3   …WORKPLACE….: physical objects in the working environment or workspace, e.g. notice boards, signs
4   …ELECTRONIC…: communication using computers, phone, televisions, etc, e.g. DVD, e-mail, voicemail, SMS messages, electronic newsletters, conference calls
5   …COMPANY INTRANET.: using social media to create an internal community, e.g. posting profiles, writing blogs and wikis, starting discussion forums, etc. Many leaders write internal blogs. Employees may join chat rooms, forums or message boards to post ideas and comments or upload images and discuss with other employees around the world. They may also be able to download information from the intranet.
Improvements in communication lead to better-informed, happier and more motivated employees, who will become more loyal to their company.
C. Match each of the word in red in Excercise B to to one of these definitions.
1.  Move information from a network to a PC DOWNLOAD
2. Web page written by an individual BLOGS
3. put information from a PC onto a network (2 work) POST - UPLOAD
4. Methods of communication CHANNELS
5. knowledge-sharing site WIKIS
6. Chances for people to discuss subjects BRIEFINGS
·         1.1.3 Now open your Market Leader book on page 105 and develop exercises A to C on company cultures.
A.   Different companies have different cultures and ways of working. Complete these sentences with the items in brackets. One of the items in each section cannot be used.
Dress (uniforms/casual Fridays/weekend clothes
1.    We don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week. My company has a system of CASUAL FRIDAYS
2.    In many banks, staff can’t wear what they like. They have to wear UNIFORMS Timekeeping (flexitime / part-time / shift work)
3.    For two weeks each month, I work at night. I can’t sleep during the day. I hate SHIFT WORK
4.    We have a FLEXITIME system in our office. Some people choose to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; others work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Time off (childcare / annual leave / public holiday)
5.    I am so busy at the moment that I worked on New Year’s Day, which is a (n) PUBLIC HOLIDAY
6.    How many days’ ANNUAL LEAVE do you get in your company?
Reporting procedures (written report / face to face / e-mail)
7.    We often speak on the phone, but never FACE TO FACE
8.    He  uploads a (n) WRITTEN REPORT  on the company intranet each month
Types of meeting (informal / formal / social)
9.    Our department starts every day witc a(n) INFORMAL MEETING. It is very relaxed.
10.  Companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very SOCIAL meeting, with a lot of people
Name (job title / first name / family names)
11.  In some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use FAMILY NAME when they speak to each other
12.  What’s your JOB TITTLE now? Are you Chief Executive?

B.   Would you like to work for an organization which has:

·         I don´t really mind working in a company with uniforms, you don´t have to buy work clothes regularly and you don´t have to worry every morning on what to wear for work today.
·         I don´t like formal meetings, they are usually long and boring.
·         I really like casual Fridays because it feels like the weekend already and people seem more friendly than the rest of the week.
·         Flexible hours are good because sometimes you have to get stuff done like go to the bank or why not.

C.   Mach each phase (1-5) to its explanation (a-e)

·         1.1.4 On page 113 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on skills and abilities.
A.   Complete the first part of the advertisement below with the verbs from the box. Use the words in brackets to help you.
Cope with         develop         improve         increase         lead         set up         train

Are you the person we are looking for?
We are looking for a talented person for this position. In this exciting job, you will need to:
·         LEAD a team of 25. (be in charge of)
·         SET UP a new branch in Amsterdam. (start)
·         TRAIN new staff (teach)
·         INCREASE sales in all markets. (make more)
·         DEVELOP new products. (create)
·         IMPROVE communication between our head office and local branches. (make better)
·         COPE WITH strict deadlines and work well under pressure. (manage)
B.   Complete second part of the advertisement with the verbs fron the box.
Deal with                 manage                 motivate                 organize                 plan

In your present job, you:
·         MANAGE a large department in the clothing industry. (control)
·         PLAN budgets (think about the future)
·         ORGANIZE sales conferences and trade exhibitions. (arrange)
·         DEAL WITH customers, suppliers and their problems. (take action)
·         MOTIVATE employees and sales teams to get the best results. (encourage)
C.   Describe your role in your present or a past job. Use the verbs from Excercise A and B.
In my present job I have to manage the schedules for the maintenance of the machines at TEV. I organize meeting with my coworkers and my superiors to explain how the machines are working, also I have to deal with the mechanics that come to fix a machine in case it is broken. I motivate the mechanics to do a good job in a short amount of time because it is important that all the equipment is working properly all the time.
1.1.5 Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary.

1.2 Grammar
·         1.2.1 Develop the activities proposed in Tell me More for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/
·         1.2.2 Open your Market Leader book on pages 98 and 99: Develop exercises A to F of Language Focus 1.
A.   Complete these sentences using the present continuos form of the verbs.
1. IS Max COMING to the meeting tomorrow?
2. No, he´s not. He IS TRAVELING on business all week.
3. He IS not COMING back until next Monday.
B.   Complete this text using present continuos form of the verbs in brackets.
I’M MEETING (meet) Mr. Tamashiro next week. HE’S ARRIVING (arrive) on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, I’M TAKING (take) him to the factory. I’M NOT SEEING (not see) him on Thursday, but I’M DRIVING (drive) him to the airport on Friday. 
C.   Look at your diary. Talk about three or four things you are doing next week.
I am attending to a conference next week.
On the weekend I have my nephew´s birthday.
Saturday afternoon I am meeting my friends for coffee.
Friday night I am going to my best friend birthday party.
D.   Complete these sentences using going to.

1. The computers are very slow. What ARE we GOING to do about it?
2. We ARE not GOING TO buy new computers. I think it´s too expensive.
3. We ARE GOING TO upgrade the software instead.
E.   Listen to Janine and Patrick talking about their plans for next year. Decide whether these sentences about their plans are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. Janine going to change her job.                                                                     TRUE
2. She is going to do a course.                                                                            TRUE
3. She is going to stay at home, maybe she will go camping.                                   FALSE
4. He is not going to change his job.                                                                  FALSE
5. He is going to move to a new house/flat.                                                      TRUE
6. He is going to sell his car and buy a mountain bike.                                              FALSE

F.    Tick (ok) the plans below which are true for you. Add four more plans to each list.
Fixed arrangement for next week.
1.    Hand out the report of the machines to my boss.
2.    Meet my friend to help him buy a new car.
3.    Attend to my friend´s baby shower.
4.    Study for final exams at university.
Intentions for next year.
1.    Take vacations to Cartagena.
2.    Start learning English.
3.    Go to the gym.
4.    Travel outside Colombia.
·         1.2.3 Open your Market Leader book on page 101: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 2 (all exercises can be developed individually).
A.   Work in pairs. Find the sentences with mistakes and correct them.
1. Desk phones and desktop computer will disappear in the next five years.
2. Most companies will be open for business 24/7.
3. As a result, it will not be easy for staff to have a good work-life balance.
4. I will think most companies use social networking tools for internal communication.
5. In many big companies, video conference will replace face to face meetings.
6. As a result, managers will not spend much time traveling for work.
7. I will not think companies will use e-mail, except for external communication.
B. Work in pairs. Make at list of three or four changes you think will happen in office communication. Share your ideas with another pair
1. People will start working from home; as a result communication face to face will be reduced.
2. Big companies will have the annual sales meeting by video conference in different countries.
3. It could happen that you will never get to meet your direct boss in person because he might be in other country and all the communication is through email or chat.
C. Complete the sentences below with future time expressions from the box
1. Sales of luxury cars will double by NEXT year.
2. I´ll send you a copy of the report TOMORROW morning.
3. We´ll finish the work before the END OF June.
4. I´ll be back in the office THE DAY AFTER tomorrow.
5. We´ll finish the work on the new building next JULY.
6. In two weeks´ TIME, we´ll review the budget.
7. We will need to modernize our factory IN THE NEXT two years.
8. Most people will have a fast broadband connection at home in FIVE YEARS´ time.

D. Match the statements (1-5) to the offers (a-e)

E. Work in groups. You have to organize the launch of your new website. Offer to do as many things as possible. Give reason. Use the list below and your own ideas.
·         Ok I will design the invitation because I have taken some design courses over the internet
·         I will send out the invitation on time so people can make time to assist
·         I will order snacks and drink for people to be comfortable at the launching session
·         I will make a welcome speech so people will know all the details on the presentation
·         I will give a presentation about the website explaining all the features it has so people can understand it all.

·         1.2.4 Now go over exercises A to C on page 107 of your Market Leader book about the use of should/shouldn’t.
A.   Complete the sentences below using should or shouldn´t and a phrase from the box.
Speak to our boss        buy an expensive       computer system        be late
Develop a better website                                                  stay three days

1. Our online business is bad.
We should develop a better website.
2. Our team is working too many hours.
We should speak to our boss.
3. The meeting is very important.
We shouldn’t be late.
4. She wants to visit a lot of customers is Spain.
She should stay three days.
5. We have to control our costs.
You shouldn´t buy an expensive computer system.
B. Give opposite advice by using should, shouldn´t or I don´t think.
1. I think he should get a salary increase.
I don´t think he should get a salary increase.
2. I think we should launch the new product now.
I don´t think we should launch the new product now.
3. She shouldn´t take customers to expensive restaurants.
She should take customers to expensive restaurants.
4. We should take every customer complaint seriously.
 We shouldn´t take every customer complaint seriously.
5. I think staff should fly economy on every trip.
I don´t think staff should fly economy on every trip.
C.   Work in pairs. Your colleague is going on a business trip. Take turns to ask for and advice using the notes below.

·         You shouldn´t stay in an expensive hotel.
·         You should take plenty of business cards.
·         You shouldn´t arrange a lot of appointments on the same day.
·         You shouldn´t be late for appointments.
·         You should write a short report after each meeting.
·         You should keep all your receipts for travel and restaurants.
·         1.2.5 Develop exercises A to E on page 109 of your Market Leader book about the use of could/would.
A.   These questions were asked on a plane Journey. Decide whether they were asked by the attendant (F) or the passenger (P).
1. Could I have another drink, please?. P
2. Would you like a newspaper? F
3. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? P
4. Would you like another drink? F
5. Could I have some mineral water, please? P
6. Would you like coffee or tea? F
7. Could you fasten your seal belt, please? F
8. Could you help me find the movie channel, please? P
B. Which of the questions in Exercise A are offers, and which are requests? 
Offers: 2, 4, 6
Requests: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
C. You are at a hotel reception desk. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests.
1. You need a map of the city. (have)
     Could I have a map of the city, please?
2. You want to go to a good restaurant. (recommend)
     Could you recommend a good restaurant, please?
3. You didn´t hear that. (say)
     Could you repeat what you said, please?
4. You want a photocopy of a document. (copy)
     Could you please tell me where can I make a copy of this document?
5. You want your bill. (have)
    Could you bring the bill, please?
6. You want a taxi. (call)
    Could you please call a taxi for me?
D. Listen to the requests in Exercise C to check.
E. Listen again. How does the other person replay?
1. Yes, here you are.
2. Yes, there is a very good Italian restaurant near here, it´s in Seymour Street.
3. Yes, Seymour Street, I´ll show you where it is on the map.
4. I´m sorry I can´t. The office is closed in the evening, but I can do it for you tomorrow morning.
5. Yes, I just printed for you.
6. No problem. Where you want to go?
·         1.2.6 Complete exercises A to E on page 114 and A and B on page 117 of your Market Leader book.
A. Complete these sentence with the present perfect from of the verbs in brackest.
1. I HAVE GIVEN (give) two presentations this month.
2. I HADN´T SEND (not send) any e-mails today.
3. HE HAS CHANGED (change) jobs recently.
4. MAGDA HAS BEEN (be) away on business al week.
5.  THEY HAVEN´T HAD (not have) any experience in negotiating.

B. Match the job interview questions (1-5) to their answer (a-e)
D. Complete these interview questions using the present perfect form of the verbs in brackest.
1. How HAVE YOU CHANGED over the last five years?
2. What software programs HAVE YOU USED recently?
3. What HAVE YOU LEARNED from your others jobs?
4. What sort of problems HAVE YOU HAD to deal with?
5. What part of your job HAVE YOU ENJOYED the most?
6. Which countries HAVE YOU VISITED for work?
E. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise D.
1. How have you changed over the last five years?
I have become a man with responsibilities and now I take life more seriously.
What software programs have you used recently?
I work in excel all the time.
What have you learned from your others jobs?
To be punctual and responsible.
What sort of problems have you had to deal with?
Mainly with the people that has to come to fix the equipment because they are always late.
What part of your job have you enjoyed the most?
The people that I work with. They are awesome.
Which countries have you visited for work?
Unfortunately my work haven´t send me anywhere because the plan is here in Colombia.
PAGE 117
A.    Read this profile about Martin Read´s career. Choose the past simple or the present perfect from of the verbs to complete it.
I think I had / HAVE HAD an interesting career. I STUDIED / have studied at Oxford University from 1997 to 2000. Then I APPLIED / have applied for jobs abroad. I worked / HAVE WORKED in Hong Kong for three years, and the I CAME / have came to Japan in January 2004. I HAVE BEEN / was here for more than eight years and I still love it. I’ll never go back to the UK.
During my career, I did / HAVE DONE a number of different jobs, too. I SOLD / have sold computer software in Hong Kong. I TAUGHT / have taught English for my first year in Japan. Since then, I ran / HAVE RUN my own training company it is very successful.

B. Tick (ok) the expressions below that you can use to complete this sentence.
Mr Kato has been very busy…
THIS WEEK                                                           FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS
Last week                                                      yesterday
SINCE MONDAY                                      TODAY
Two weeks ago                                              RECENTLY